litbaza книги онлайнМедицинаЭнергия мозга. Теория развития всех психических заболеваний, объясняющая их общую причину - Кристофер М. Палмер






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Глава 4

1. A. P. Rajkumar, H. T. Horsdal, T. Wimberley, et al. “Endogenous and Antipsychotic-Related Risks for Diabetes Mellitus in Young People with Schizophrenia: A Danish Population-Based Cohort Study.” Am J Psychiatry 174 (2017): 686–694. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2016.16040442.

2. B. Mezuk, W. W. Eaton, S. Albrecht, and S. H. Golden. “Depression and Type 2 Diabetes over the Lifespan: A Meta-Analysis.” Diabetes Care 31 (2008): 2383–2390. doi: 10.2337/dc08-0985.

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4. M. E. Robinson, M. Simard, I. Larocque, J. Shah, M. Nakhla, and E. Rahme. “Risk of Psychiatric Disorders and Suicide Attempts in Emerging Adults with Diabetes.” Diabetes Care 43(2) (2020): 484–486. doi: 10.2337/dc19-1487.

5. Martin Strassnig, Roman Kotov, Danielle Cornaccio, Laura Fochtmann, Philip D. Harvey, and Evelyn J.Bromet. “Twenty-Year Progression of Body Mass Index in a County-Wide Cohort of People with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Identified at Their First Episode of Psychosis.” Bipolar Disord 19(5) (2017): 336–343. doi: 10.1111/bdi.12505.

6. L. Mische Lawson and L. Foster. “Sensory Patterns, Obesity, and Physical Activity

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