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Список использованной и рекомендованной литературы на русском языке
Боулби, Джон. Привязанность / Джон Боулби. – Москва: Гардарики, 2003.
Диккенс, Чарльз. Американские заметки. Картины Италии. Собрание сочинений. В 30 томах. Том 9 / перевод с английского Т. Кудрявцевой и А. С. Бобовича; комментарии Н. Б. Исачкиной и А. С. Бобовича; иллюстрации К. Стэнфилд [и др.] / Чарльз Диккенс. – Москва: Гослитиздат, 1958.
Диккенс, Чарльз. Приключения Оливера Твиста / Чарльз Диккенс. – Москва: Эксмо, 2022.
Этвуд Маргарет. Рассказ Служанки / Маргарет Этвуд. – Москва: Эксмо, 2016.
Список использованной и рекомендованной литературы на иностранном языке
Bernard, Sir Thomas. An Account of the Foundling Hospital in London, for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children, 2nd ed. London: Thomas Jones, 1799.
Berry, Helen. Orphans of Empire: The Fate of London’s Foundlings. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
Blum, Deborah. Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and the Science of Affection. New York: Basic Books, 2011.
Boylston, Arthur. “William Watson’s Use of Controlled Clinical Experiments in 1767.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 107, no. 6 (June 2014): 246–48.
Brownlow, John. The History and Objects of the Foundling Hospital: With a Memoir of the Founder. London: C. Jacques, 1881.
Cadogan, William. An Essay upon Nursing and the Management of Children, From their Birth to Three Years of Age, 2nd ed. London: J. Roberts, 1748.
Campanella, Richard. Lincoln in New Orleans: The 1828–1831 Flatboat Voyages and Their Place in History. Lafayette: University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press, 2010.
Carrington, Paul D. “Asbestos Lessons: The Unattended Consequences of Asbestos Litigation.” Review of Litigation 26, no. 3 (Summer 2007): 583–611.
Curtis, Myra, et al. Report of the Care of Children Committee. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1946.
Dear, I.C.B. and Foot, M.R.D. The Oxford Companion to World War II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995.
Dickens, Charles. “Received, A Blank Child.” Household Words 7, no. 156 (March 1853): 49–53.
Dolan, Alice. “The Fabric of Life: Linen and Life Cycle in England, 1678–1810.” PhD diss., University of Hertfordshire, 2015.
Foundling Hospital. A Copy of the Royal Charter, Establishing an Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children. London: J. Osborn, 1739.
Foundling Hospital. Regulations for Managing the Hospital for the Maintenance and Education of Exposed and Deserted Young Children: By Order of the Governors of the Said Hospital. London: Foundling Hospital, 1757.
Foundling Hospital. “Rules for the Admission of Children.” As provided to Lena Weston, January 4, 1932.
Foundling Museum. Foundling Voices: An Oral History Project of the Foundling Museum. London: Foundling Museum, 2011.
Gardiner, Juliet. The Blitz: The British under Attack. London: HarperPress, 2011.
Gärtner, Niko. Operation Pied Piper: The Wartime Evacuation of Schoolchildren from London and Berlin, 1938–1946. Charlotte, NC: Information Age, 2012.
Grassian, Stuart. “Psychopathological Effects of Solitary Confinement.” American Journal of Psychiatry 140 (November 1983): 1450–54.
Das Gupta, Jyoti Bhusan, ed. Science, Technology, Imperialism and War. History of Science, Philosophy, and Culture in Indian Civilization, vol. 15, pt. 1. New Delhi: Pearson & Longman, 2007.
Hanway, Jonas. A Candid Historical Account of the Hospital for the Reception of Exposed and Deserted Young Children; […] with a Proposal for Carrying a New Design into Execution, 2nd rev. ed. London: G. Woodfall and J. Waugh, 1760.
Hanway, Jonas. An Essay on Tea: Considered as Pernicious to Health, Obstructing Industry, and Impoverishing the Nation. London: H. Woodfall, 1756.
Hanway, Jonas. A Review of the Proposed Naturalization of the Jews; Being an Attempt at a Dispassionate Enquiry, 2nd ed. London: J. Waugh, 1753.
Hanway, Jonas. Solitude in Imprisonment: With Proper Profitable Labour and a Spare Diet, the Most Humane and Effectual Means of Bringing Malefactors, Who Have Forfeited Their Lives, or Are Subject to Transportation, to a Right Sense of Their Condition. London: F. Bew, 1776.
Holden, Katherine. The Shadow of Marriage: Singleness in England, 1914–1960. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 2007.
Johnson, David Alan. The Battle of Britain and the American Factor, July – October 1940. Conshohocken, PA: Combined Publishing, 1998.
Jungnickel, Christa, and Russell McCormmach. Cavendish: The Experimental Life. Bucknell, PA: Bucknell Press, 1999.
Kaplan, E. Ann. Motherhood and Representation: The Mother in Popular Culture and Melodrama. London: Routledge, 1992.
Kellermann, Natan. “Transmission of Holocaust Trauma – An Integrative View.” Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes 64, no. 3 (February 2001): 256–67.
Levene, Alysa. Childcare, Health and Mortality at the London Foundling Hospital, 1741–1800. Manchester, England: Manchester University Press, 2007.
McClure, Ruth. Coram’s Children: The London Foundling Hospital in the Eighteenth Century. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1981.
Mignot, Jean-Francois. “Child Adoption in Western Europe, 1900–2015.” In Cliometrics of the Family, edited by Claude Diebolt, Auke Rijpma, Sara Carmichael, Selin Dilli, and Charlotte Störmer, 333–66. New York: Springer, 2019.
Mortimer, Gavin, “Cat’s Eyes: John Cunningham’s Wartime Nickname Concealed a Vital Military Secret – The Invention of Airborne Radar.” Air & Space, November 19, 2010. https://www.airspacemag.com/history-of-flight/cats-eyes-72622832/.
Neal, Toby, “Happy Memories of a Shropshire Wartime Evacuee.” Shropshire Star, Shropshire February 2, 2014.
Oliver, Christine, and Peter Aggleton. Coram’s Children: Growing Up in the Care of the Foundling Hospital, 1900–1955. London: Coram Family, 2000.
Peters, Ellis, and Roy Morgan. Shropshire: A Memoir of the English Countryside. New York: Mysterious Press, 1992.
Pugh, Gillian. London’s Forgotten Children: Thomas Coram and the Foundling Hospital. Stroud, England: History Press, 2007.
Ross, Stewart. Rationing at Home in World War Two. London: Evans Brothers, 2005.
Sheetz-Nguyen, Jessica A. “Calculus of Respectability: Defining the World of Foundling Hospital Women and Children in Victorian London.” Annales de demographie historique 2, no. 14 (2007): 13–36.
Sheetz-Nguyen, Jessica A. Victorian Women, Unwed Mothers and the London Foundling Hospital. New York: Continuum International, 2012.
Schmidt, William E. “Two ‘Jovial Con Men’ Demystify Those Crop Circles in Britain.” New York Times, September 10, 1991.
Silverman, Mark E. “The Tradition of